As with most careers, we are constantly learning; perpetual students. The day we met Debbie and Liran for their engagement session we learned something that we had somehow never experienced. Central Park morning session are pretty damn awesome. These two live in the city and so it made sense to have their session very close to home. But with the busy-ness of Central Park, logistically the best option was a morning session. We thought we were just doing it for logistics and what we learned was that aside from having more options to photograph, we were gifted with incredible light and surrounded by the morning dogs of Central Park, AKA a little bit of heaven. Like us, Debbie and Liran have a dream of having their own pup. And like us, they do not agree on the size that this dog should grow 😂. As we made our way through the session, we learned just how perfect these two are for each other. Liran is incredibly proud of everything Debbie has done in her career, and Debbie seems to be the only person who can make Liran smile. We can't wait to celebrate with these two later this year!